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Effects of heading date and Epichloë endophyte on persistence of diploid perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne). 1. Heading date

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Changes in sward structure, plant morphology and growth of perennial ryegrass–white clover swards over winter

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The effect of perennial ryegrass ploidy and white clover inclusion on milk production of dairy cows

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Nutritive characteristics of perennial ryegrass cultivars: have they changed over time?

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Effects of perennial ryegrass variety and ploidy on voluntary dry matter intake and in vivo digestibility in sheep

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The relationship between the grazing efficiency and the production, morphology and nutritional traits of perennial ryegrass varieties

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Examining perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) persistence through comparative genetic analyses of two cultivars after nine years in the field

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Milk production per cow and per hectare of spring-calving dairy cows grazing swards differing in Lolium perenne L. ploidy and Trifolium repens L. composition

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Genomic Prediction in Tetraploid Ryegrass Using Allele Frequencies Based on Genotyping by Sequencing

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Understanding factors associated with the grazing efficiency of perennial ryegrass varieties

Nicky Byrne, Trevor J. Gilliland, Luc Delaby, David Cummins and Michael O’Donovan
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Implications of grass–clover interactions in dairy pastures for forage indexing systems. 3. Manawatu

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Predicting anthesis date of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) with growing degree‐days at heading

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Animal and forage responses on Maximus, a tetraploid cultivar vs Marshall, a diploid cultivar of annual ryegrass

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Comparison of perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne L., ploidy and white clover, Trifolium repens L., inclusion for herbage production, utilization and nutritive value

Clare Guy, Deirdre Hennessy, Trevor J. Gilliland, Fergal Coughlan, Bríd McClearn, Michael Dineen and Brian McCarthy
Grass and Forage Science 73 (4) 865 (2018)

Growth, morphology and biological nitrogen fixation potential of perennial ryegrass-white clover swards throughout the grazing season

C. Guy, D. Hennessy, T. J. Gilliland, F. Coughlan and B. McCarthy
The Journal of Agricultural Science 156 (2) 188 (2018)

Quantifying the interactions between defoliation interval, defoliation intensity and nitrogen fertiliser application on the nutritive value of rainfed and irrigated perennial ryegrass

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Growth responses of diploid and tetraploid perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) to soil-moisture deficit, defoliation and a root-feeding invertebrate

K. N. Tozer, K. Carswell, W. M. Griffiths, et al.
Crop and Pasture Science 68 (7) 632 (2017)

Influence of the critical phase of stem elongation on yield and forage quality of perennial ryegrass genotypes in the first reproductive growth

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The economic value to dairy systems of genetic gains in the nutritive value of perennial ryegrass in grass–clover pastures

C. M. Wims, C. I. Ludemann, H. Phillips and D. F. Chapman
Animal Production Science 57 (7) 1357 (2017)

Perennial ryegrass breeding and the scaling issue: a review of system experiments investigating milk production and profit differences among cultivars

Stacey J. Hendriks, Daniel J. Donaghy, Lydia M. Cranston, Grant R. Edwards and David F. Chapman
Animal Production Science 57 (7) 1289 (2017)

Does post‐grazing sward height influence sward characteristics, seasonal herbage dry‐matter production and herbage quality?

E. Ganche, M. O'Donovan, L. Delaby, T. M. Boland and E. Kennedy
Grass and Forage Science 70 (1) 130 (2015)

Valuing forages for genetic selection: what traits should we focus on?

D. F. Chapman, G. R. Edwards, A. V. Stewart, et al.
Animal Production Science 55 (7) 869 (2015)

Using post-grazing sward height to impose dietary restrictions of varying duration in early lactation: its effects on spring-calving dairy cow production

M. Crosse, M. O’Donovan, T.M. Boland, et al.
Animal 9 (4) 592 (2015)

The variation in morphology of perennial ryegrass cultivars throughout the grazing season and effects on organic matter digestibility

M. Beecher, D. Hennessy, T.M. Boland, M. McEvoy, M. O'Donovan and E. Lewis
Grass and Forage Science 70 (1) 19 (2015)

Effect of grazing severity on perennial ryegrass herbage production and sward structural characteristics throughout an entire grazing season

G. Tuñon, E. Kennedy, B. Horan, D. Hennessy, N. Lopez‐Villalobos, P. Kemp, A. Brennan and M. O'Donovan
Grass and Forage Science 69 (1) 104 (2014)

Early season dry matter production of three hybrid ryegrass (Lolium boucheanum) and two perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) cultivars

E. Kennedy and M. O'Donovan
Grass and Forage Science 69 (3) 425 (2014)

International genetic evaluations for feed intake in dairy cattle through the collation of data from multiple sources

D.P. Berry, M.P. Coffey, J.E. Pryce, et al.
Journal of Dairy Science 97 (6) 3894 (2014)

Cattle Grazing Preference among Tetraploid and Diploid Annual Ryegrass Cultivars

Juan K. Q. Solomon, Bisoondat Macoon, David J. Lang, Rhonda C. Vann and Stephanie Ward
Crop Science 54 (1) 430 (2014)

Assessment of herbage yield and quality traits of perennial ryegrasses from a national variety evaluation scheme

The Journal of Agricultural Science 151 (3) 331 (2013)

Effect of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars on the milk yield of grazing dairy cows

C.M. Wims, M. McEvoy, L. Delaby, T.M. Boland and M. O'Donovan
Animal 7 (3) 410 (2013)

Evaluation of the GrazeIn model of grass dry‐matter intake and milk production prediction for dairy cows in temperate grass‐based production systems. 1–Sward characteristics and grazing management factors

B. F. O'Neill, E. Lewis, M. O'Donovan, L. Shalloo, F. J. Mulligan, T. M. Boland and R. Delagarde
Grass and Forage Science 68 (4) 504 (2013)

Merging and characterising phenotypic data on conventional and rare traits from dairy cattle experimental resources in three countries

G. Banos, M.P. Coffey, R.F. Veerkamp, D.P. Berry and E. Wall
Animal 6 (7) 1040 (2012)

In vitro rumen methane output of perennial ryegrass varieties and perennial grass species harvested throughout the growing season

P. J. Purcell, M. O’Brien, A. Navarro‐Villa, T. M. Boland, M. McEvoy, D. Grogan and P. O’Kiely
Grass and Forage Science 67 (2) 280 (2012)

Perennial ryegrass breeding in New Zealand: A dairy industry perspective

Julia M. Lee, Cory Matthew, Errol R. Thom and David F. Chapman
Crop and Pasture Science 63 (2) 107 (2012)

Development and application of an economic ranking index for perennial ryegrass cultivars

M. McEvoy, M. O’Donovan and L. Shalloo
Journal of Dairy Science 94 (3) 1627 (2011)

Effect of spring defoliation pattern on the mid‐season production and morphology of swards of perennial ryegrass cultivars of different maturity

G. Hurley, M. O’Donovan and T. J. Gilliland
Grass and Forage Science 64 (1) 80 (2009)

Genetics of Grass Dry Matter Intake, Energy Balance, and Digestibility in Grazing Irish Dairy Cows

D.P. Berry, B. Horan, M. O’Donovan, et al.
Journal of Dairy Science 90 (10) 4835 (2007)