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Array of Hall Effect Sensors for Linear Positioning of a Magnet Independently of Its Strength Variation. A Case Study: Monitoring Milk Yield during Milking in Goats
Fernando-Juan García-Diego, Angel Sánchez-Quinche, Paloma Merello, Pedro Beltrán and Cristófol Peris Sensors 13(6) 8000 (2013)
A sparsely connected network to model the relay stations of the sheep milk ejection reflex
Efstratios K. Kosmidis, Anastasia S. Tsingotjidou, Lazaros Iliadis, Christos Batzios and Georgios C. Papadopoulos Neurocomputing 73(1-3) 80 (2009)
Evolution during the productive life and individual variability of milk emission at machine milking in Sardinian×Lacaune back-cross ewes
Milkability of Murciano–Granadina dairy goats. Milk partitioning and flow rate during machine milking according to parity, prolificacy and mode of suckling