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Cited article:

The French Lacaune dairy sheep breed: use in France and abroad in the last 40 years

F Barillet, C Marie, M Jacquin, G Lagriffoul and J.M Astruc
Livestock Production Science 71 (1) 17 (2001)

Comparative studies of sheep and goats: milk yield and composition and growth rate of lambs and kids

S. Economides
The Journal of Agricultural Science 106 (03) 477 (1986)

The effect of interaction of ewe and lamb genotype on milk production of ewes and on growth of lambs to weaning

J. M. Doney, J. N. Peart and W. F. Smith
Animal Science 33 (2) 137 (1981)

Lactation pattern in Scottish Blackface and East Friesland × Scottish Blackface cross-bred ewes

J. N. Peart, J. M. Doney and W. F. Smith
The Journal of Agricultural Science 92 (1) 133 (1979)

First survey of results obtained in France on reproductive and maternal performance in sheep, with particular reference to the Romanov breed and crosses with it

G Ricordeau, L Tchamitchian, J Thimonier, J.C Flamant and M Theriez
Livestock Production Science 5 (2) 181 (1978)