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Frozen storage of ram semen II. Causes of low fertility after cervical insemination and methods of improvement

S Salamon and W.M.C Maxwell
Animal Reproduction Science 38 (1-2) 1 (1995)

Frozen storage of ram semen I. Processing, freezing, thawing and fertility after cervical insemination

S. Salamon and W.M.C. Maxwell
Animal Reproduction Science 37 (3-4) 185 (1995)

Effect of type of intravaginal progestagen on the outcome of fixed-time artificial insemination

P. A. Smith, M. P. Boland and I. Gordon
The Journal of Agricultural Science 96 (01) 243 (1981)

Conception Rate in ewes: effect of method of breeding and number of inseminations

P. A. Smith, M. P. Boland and I. Gordon
The Journal of Agricultural Science 91 (2) 511 (1978)