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Prüfung von51Cr2O3und TiO2als Marker für die Bestimmung von Passagerate und Proteinverdaulichkeit bei Ratten

K. Krawielitzki, Ruthild Schadereit, Edda Borgmann and Brigitta Evers
Archiv für Tierernaehrung 37 (12) 1085 (1987)

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Elvira Schnabel, G. Bolduan and Annegret Güldenpenning
Archiv für Tierernaehrung 33 (4-5) 371 (1983)

Some quantitative aspects of protein and carbohydrate absorption in the pig

A. A Rerat
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 39 (02) 177 (1980)

Circadian variation in the apparent digetibility of diets measured at the terminal ileum in pigs

R. M. Livingstone, Barbara A. Baird, T. Atkinson and R. M. J. Crofts
The Journal of Agricultural Science 94 (2) 399 (1980)

Studies on digestion and absorption in the intestines of growing pigs

A. G. Low, I. G. Partridge and I. E. Sambrook
British Journal of Nutrition 39 (03) 515 (1978)

Studies on digestion and absorption in the intestines of growing pigs. Measurements of the flow of digesta and pH

R. Braude, Rosemary J. Fulford and A. G. Low
British Journal of Nutrition 36 (3) 497 (1976)