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Methods of carcass classification based on subjective assessments of carcass fatness and of carcass conformation: effect of sex on the prediction of tissue composition in carcasses of sucking lambs

E. Miguel, F. Ruiz de Huidobro, M. T. Díaz, et al.
Animal Science 77 (3) 383 (2003)

Softness and fatty acid composition of subcutaneous adipose tissue, and methylmalonic acid concentrations in the plasma of intensively reared lambs

V Berthelot, J Normand, P Bas and N.B Kristensen
Small Ruminant Research 41 (1) 29 (2001)

A survey of fat characteristics of lamb with particular reference to the soft fat condition in intensively fed lambs

J. L. L'Estrange and T. A. Mulvihill
The Journal of Agricultural Science 84 (2) 281 (1975)