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Voluntary dry-matter intake and digesta kinetics of twin- or single-bearing Manchega ewes given Italian ryegrass hay or alfalfa hay in late pregnancy

A. Ferret, J. Gasa, G. Caja and P. Prió
Animal Science 67 (3) 559 (1998)

Voluntary hay intake by Sardinian ewes during last weeks of pregnancy and lactation

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Small Ruminant Research 7 (3) 203 (1992)

Effect of parity and physiological state on intake, milk production and blood parameters in lactating mares differing in body size

M. Doreau, S. Boulot and W. Martin-Rosset
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The intake and performance of ewes offered concentrates and grass silage in late pregnancy

R. J. Orr, J. E. Newton and Caroline A. Jackson
Animal Science 36 (1) 21 (1983)

The relationship in ewes between voluntary food intake during pregnancy and forage intake during lactation and after weaning

Janet Z. Foot and A. J. F. Russel
Animal Science 28 (1) 25 (1979)

First survey of results obtained in France on reproductive and maternal performance in sheep, with particular reference to the Romanov breed and crosses with it

G Ricordeau, L Tchamitchian, J Thimonier, J.C Flamant and M Theriez
Livestock Production Science 5 (2) 181 (1978)