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Cited article:

Comparative Digestion in Sheep and Cattle Fed Different Forage to Concentrate Ratios at High and Low Intakes

P.E. Colucci, G.K. MacLeod, W.L. Grovum, L.W. Cahill and I. McMillan
Journal of Dairy Science 72 (7) 1774 (1989)

Energy utilization of sodium hydroxide treated or untreated straw supplemented with protein or concentrates by adult sheep

J. P. Dulphy, E. Grenet and M. Vermorel
Archiv für Tierernaehrung 37 (9) 823 (1987)

Energy utilization of sodium hydroxide treated or untreated straw supplemented with protein or concentrates by adult sheep

M. Vermorel, J. P. Dulpyh and J. C. Bouvier
Archiv für Tierernaehrung 37 (9) 805 (1987)