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Contextualized re-calculation of enteric methane emission factors for small ruminants in sub-humid Western Africa is far lower than previous estimates
Séga Ndao, Charles-Henri Moulin, El Hadji Traoré, Mamadou Diop and François Bocquier Tropical Animal Health and Production 51(4) 919 (2019)
How to better account for livestock diversity and fodder seasonality in assessing the fodder intake of livestock grazing semi-arid sub-Saharan Africa rangelands
M.H. Assouma, P. Lecomte, P. Hiernaux, A. Ickowicz, C. Corniaux, V. Decruyenaere, A.R. Diarra and J. Vayssières Livestock Science 216 16 (2018)
Productive and economic performance of endemic N’Dama cattle in southern Mali compared to Fulani Zebu and their crossbreds
Movement and home range of owned free-roaming male dogs in Puerto Natales, Chile
Guillermo E. Pérez, Annamaria Conte, Elena J. Garde, Stefano Messori, Raphael Vanderstichel and James Serpell Applied Animal Behaviour Science 205 74 (2018)
Animal trypanosomosis in clinically healthy cattle of north Cameroon: epidemiological implications
Abdoulmoumini Mamoudou, Alexandre Njanloga, Aliyou Hayatou, Pierre Fongho Suh and Mbunkah Daniel Achukwi Parasites & Vectors 9(1) (2016)
Trypanosomes and helminths infections in Mayo Rey Division of Cameroon and impact of concurrent infections on cattle
Abdoulmoumini Mamoudou, Fongho Suh Pierre and Njongui Jean Ebene Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health 7(6) 215 (2015)
Instantaneous intake rate of free-grazing cattle as affected by herbage characteristics in heterogeneous tropical agro-pastoral landscapes
Guillaume Chirat, Jeroen C.J. Groot, Samir Messad, François Bocquier and Alexandre Ickowicz Applied Animal Behaviour Science 157 48 (2014)
Assessment of age at first parturition by accounting censored data: the example of small ruminants in agropastoral herds in Senegal
Dynamics of a tropical cattle herd in a variable environment: A modelling approach in order to identify the target period and animals on which concentrating management efforts to improve productivity
Relationships between N'Dama cow body condition score and production performance under an extensive range management system in Southern Senegal: calf weight gain, milk production, probability of pregnancy, and juvenile mortality