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Autochthonous Babesia canis, Hepatozoon canis and imported Babesia gibsoni infection in dogs in the Czech Republic
B. Mitkova, K. Hrazdilova, M. Novotna, J. Jurankova, L. Hofmannova, P. Forejtek and D. Modry Veterinární medicína 62(3) 138 (2017)
Genetic Parameters for Racing Performance of Thoroughbred Horses Using Bayesian Linear and Thurstonian Models
Manuela Pires Monteiro da Gama, Rusbel Raúl Aspilcueta Borquis, Francisco Ribeiro de Araújo Neto, et al. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 42 39 (2016)
Performance selection for Thoroughbreds racing in Hong Kong